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Mpumalanga Hockey Association

MSHA Registration 2025

Please use this Registration Page to register each player separately.

Trials for

Please make sure you have selected the correct Age Group and Gender.


Boys' Trials: Fri 4 October 2024

Girls' Trials: Sat 5 October 2024

You must be available on that date.

Trials cost R80 per player

This amount will need to be paid before the trials.

Please fill out all the required information as accurately as possible.

You will need to upload 2 documents to complete the registration process

👉 An electronic copy of player's ID Document.

👉 A recent head and shoulders photograph of player.

Who are you Registering for?

To continue, you must have parent/guardian consent.


(To be completed by Parent/Guardian)

This registration process will ask for some personal information, both yours and that of the player you are registering. Before proceeding, we are required by the Protection of Personal Information Act to receive your consent to collect your information, as well as ensure that you consent on behalf of your child/ward, to the collection and usage of their information. A more detailed explanation, including what information we collect, what your rights are, and what we do with the information, can be found at the following link:

Indemnity Disclaimer

I, the parent/guardian of the registrant, acknowledge that participation in the Mpumalanga Schools Hockey Association team trials is voluntary and entirely at our own risk. I hereby indemnify and hold harmless the Mpumalanga Schools Hockey Association, its officials, organisers, coaches, and any associated parties from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from injury, loss, or harm incurred during the trials, except in cases of gross negligence or wilful misconduct.

Mpumalanga Schools Hockey


This registration process will ask for some personal information, both yours and that of the player you are registering. Before proceeding, we are required by the Protection of Personal Information Act to receive your consent to collect your information, as well as ensure that you have consent to submit the players personal information. In the case of a minor, this consent MUST be given by a parent or guardian to the child. A more detailed explanation, including what information, your rights, and what we do with the information can be found at the following link:

I, acting on behalf of the registrant, acknowledge that the child's participation in the Mpumalanga Schools Hockey Association trials is voluntary and at their own risk. I further confirm that I have informed the child's parent/guardian of the associated risks. I hereby indemnify and hold harmless the Mpumalanga Schools Hockey Association, its officials, organisers, coaches, and any associated parties from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from injury, loss, or harm incurred during the trials, except in cases of gross negligence or wilful misconduct.

Indemnity Disclaimer

Please provide consent to proceed.

Please provide the above information to proceed.



Parent/Guardian 1
Parent/Guardian 2



Please upload a recent photograph of the player and an electronic image of his/her ID Document.

Don't forget to select what type of ID it is. The photograph should just show the head and shoulders of the player. The file can be any image format but should not exceed 2MB in size.

Click the UPLOAD Button to select which file to upload.

Upload Photo
Upload ID

Thank you. Your registration has been successfully submitted.

An error has occured submitting your registration. 
Please check that you have provided all the required information. Scroll up to check. Where information is still needed, it will be highlighted in red.


Once you are sure you have provided all the required information, please press the submit button below.


This registration process will ask for some of your personal information. Before proceeding, we are required by the Protection of Personal Information Act to receive your consent to collect that information. Please note that if you are not older than eighteen, this consent MUST be given by your parent or guardian. A more detailed explanation, including what information we collect, your rights, and what we do with the information can be found at the following link:

Indemnity Disclaimer

I, the undersigned participant, acknowledge that my participation in the Mpumalanga Schools Hockey Association trials is voluntary and entirely at my own risk. I hereby indemnify and hold harmless the Mpumalanga Schools Hockey Association, its officials, organisers, coaches, and any associated parties from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from injury, loss, or harm incurred during the trials, except in cases of gross negligence or wilful misconduct.

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